Monday 21 February 2011


I miss you all wrong

Saturday 19 February 2011

left wing - right wing

The right side of my brain told me that the right thing to do was to delete it.

But I left it.

Friday 18 February 2011

sweet crazy red wine

Undone in unrecognizable ways, I was swallowed. Acting my ass off? To others perhaps, not as planned.

Two can play at this game and it comes with risks.

Someone has to be a loser and then get back up again to make sure to come out the winner later.

The rule is there are no rules.

And only two can play at this game

It has its privileges.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

sweet february

It's about time spent waiting...

Tuesday 15 February 2011


"De ce ai spus huligan?"

"Nu e nicio insultă, nu te teme. Cuvântul acesta e frumos. Şi cuprinde foarte multe lucruri. Există un singur debut fertil în viată: experienţa huliganică. Să nu respecţi nimic, să nu crezi decât în tine, în tinereţea ta, în biologia ta, dacă vrei... Cine nu debutează aşa, faţă de el însuşi sau faţă de lume - nu va crea nimic, va rămâne sterp, timorat, copleşit de adevăruri. Să poţi uita adevărurile, să ai atâta viaţă în tine încât adevărurile să nu te poată pătrunde, nici intimida - iată vocaţia de huligan..."

Monday 14 February 2011


Self-denial is easy, comfortable, and sometimes it's a bitch.

I could never shake off the thought that nothing goes unacknowledged - our choices and decisions, actually, anything we decide to act upon has a way of following some wicked trail we leave behind. I never really tried to hide my trails, too much worry, too much risk.

How did it come to this?

Strike #1, strike #2, strike #3... how many will there be? Is there any point in weighing the significance of what is already in the back of your mind, it's only a matter of time until it materializes itself - most often in a grotesque form I choose to criticize and repent.

I'm no one. So when do I leave? There's no fat lady, no dreamboat, no end of the story. I'm the only hero of the story and no, I don't need to be saved.

Change, just change.

Sunday 13 February 2011

she's back

It's exhilarating to feel within sight and sound of the sea.

Emotions flourish and my senses are heightened.

The abyss of our acute sentimental trials are proof of our secret and undeniable depths.

Depths and debts.

What can you possibly owe Me...?

How can I possibly ask anything of you...?

The big blue... The strangest tides I could think of. Because they are the farthest or the most unlikely scenery.

Somewhere on the soft sandstone cliffs above Minismere. It's a place where vast pieces of cliffs keep falling away and by doing so, they bring the abyss nearer to the door.

A simple parallel.

Lest you come prepared. As you should, who am I to ignore your dares?